
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Hippolytus of Rome: Baptism and Eucharistic Practices 215 AD (CE)

Hippolytus of Rome: "The Apostolic Tradition" trans. Kevin P. Edgecomb,
Link to Kevin P Edgecomb site -
site features other translated Christian works from the early Christian centuries.

Go to site above for a full translation of this work:  The following is an exert:

17 Catechumens will hear the word for three years. 2Yet if someone is earnesta and perseveres well in the matter, it is not the time that is judged, but the conduct.
a Or eager

18 When the teacher finishes his instruction, the catechumens will pray by themselves, separate from the faithful. 2The women will also pray in another place in the church, by themselves, whether faithful women or catechumen women. 3After the catechumens have finished praying, they do not give the kiss of peace, for their kiss is not yet pure. 4But the faithful shall greet one another with a kiss, men with men, and women with women. Men must not greet women with a kiss.  5All the women should cover their heads with a pallium, and not simply with a piece of linen, which is not a proper veil.

19 After the prayer, the teacher shall lay hands upon the catechumens, pray, and dismiss them. Whether such is one of the laypeople or of the clergy, let him do so.
2If any catechumens are apprehended because of the Name of the Lord, let them not be double-hearted because of martyrdom. If they may suffer violence and be executed with their sins not removed, they will be justified, for they have received baptism in their own

20 When they are chosen who are to receive baptism, let their lives be examined, whether they have lived honorably while catechumens, whether they honored the widows,
whether they visited the sick, and whether they have done every good work.. 2If those who bring them forward bear witness for them that they have done so, then let them hear the Gospel.
3From the time at which they are set apart, place hands upon them daily so that they are exorcised. When the day approaches on which they are to be baptized, let the bishop exorcise each one of them, so that he will be certain whether each has been purified.  
If there are any who are not purified, they shall be set apart. They have not heard the Word in faith, for the foreign spirit remained with each of them.
5Let those who are to be baptized be instructed that they bathe and wash on the fifth day of the week. 6If a woman is in the manner of women, let her be set aparta and receive baptism another day. 
7Those who are to receive baptism shall fast on the Preparation of the Sabbathb. On the Sabbathc, those who are to receive baptism shall all gather together in one place chosen according to the will of the bishop. They shall be commanded to pray and kneeld8Then,
laying his hand on them, he will exorcise every foreign spirit, so that they flee from them and never return to them. When he has finished exorcising them, he shall breathe on their faces
and seale their foreheads, ears and noses. Then he shall raise them up. 
9They shall all keep vigil all night, reading and instructing them.  10Those who are to be baptized are not to bring any vessel, only that which each brings for the eucharist. It is indeed proper that each bring the oblation in the same hour.
a Lit., isolated.
b Friday
c Saturday
d Lit., bend the knee.e With the sign of the cross.

21 At the hour in which the cock crows, they shall first pray over the water. 2When they come to the water, the water shall be pure and flowing, that is, the water of a spring or a flowing body of water. 3Then they shall take off all their clothes. 4The children shall be baptized first. All of the children who can answer for themselves, let them answer. If there are any children who cannot answer for themselves, let their parents answer for them, or
someone else from their family. 5After this, the men will be baptized. Finally, the women, after they have unbound their hair, and removed their jewelry. No one shall take any foreign object with themselves down into the water.
6At the time determined for baptism, the bishop shall give thanks over some oil, which he puts in a vessel. It is called the Oil of Thanksgiving. 7He shall take some more oil and exorcise it. It is called the Oil of Exorcism. 8A deacon shall hold the Oil of Exorcism and stand on the left. Another deacon shall hold the Oil of Thanksgiving and stand on the right.
9When the elder takes hold of each of them who are to receive baptism, he shall tell each of them to renounce, saying, "I renounce you Satan, all your servicea, and all your works."  
After he has said this, he shall anoint each with the Oil of Exorcism, saying, "Let every evil spirit depart from you." 11Then, after these things, the bishop passes each of them on nude to the elder who stands at the water. They shall stand in the water naked. A deacon, likewise, will go down with them into the water. 12When each of them to be baptized has gone down into the water, the one baptizing shall lay hands on each of them, asking, "Do
you believe in God the Father Almighty?" 13And the one being baptized shall answer, "I believe." 14He shall then baptize each of them once, laying his hand upon each of their heads. 

15Then he shall ask, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and died, and rose on the third day living from the dead, and ascended into heaven, and sat
down at the right hand of the Father, the one coming to judge the living and the dead?"  
When each has answered, "I believe," he shall baptize a second time. 17Then he shall ask, "Do you believe in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Church and the resurrection of the flesh?" 18Then each being baptized shall answer, "I believe." And thus let him baptize the third time.

19Afterward, when they have come up out of the water, they shall be anointed by the elder with the Oil of Thanksgiving, saying, "I anoint you with holy oil in the name of Jesus Christ." 20Then, drying themselves, they shall dress and afterwards gather in the church.
21The bishop will then lay his hand upon them, invoking, saying,
"Lord God, you who have made these worthy
of the removal of sins through the bath of regeneration,
make them worthy to be filled with your Holy Spirit,
grant to them your grace,
that they might serve you according to your will,
for to you is the glory,
Father and Son
with the Holy Spirit,
in the Holy Church,
now and throughout the ages of the ages.

22After this he pours the oil into his hand, and laying his hand on each of their heads, says,
"I anoint you with holy oil
in God the Father Almighty,
and Christ Jesus,
and the Holy Spirit."
23Then, after sealingb each of them on the forehead, he shall give them the kiss of peace
and say,
"The Lord be with you."
And the one who has been baptized shall say,
"And with your spirit."
24So shall he do to each one.
25From then on they will pray together will all the people. Prior to this they may not pray with the faithful until they have completed all. 26After they pray, let them give the kiss of peace.
27Then the deacons shall immediately bring the oblation. The bishop shall bless the bread, which is the symbol of the Body of Christ; and the bowl of mixed winec, which is the
symbol of the Blood which has been shed for all who believe in him; 28and the milk and honey mixed together, in fulfillment of the promise made to the fathers, in which he said,
"a land flowing with milk and honey," which Christ indeed gave, his Flesh, through which those who believe are nourished like little children, by the sweetness of his Word, softening the bitter heart; 
29and water also for an oblation, as a sign of the baptism, so
that the inner person, which is psychic, may also receive the same as the body. 30The bishop shall give an explanation of all these things to those who are receiving.
31Breaking the bread, distributing a piece to each, he shall say,
"The Bread of Heaven in Jesus Christ."
32And the one who receives shall answer,
33The elders, and the deacons if there are not enough, shall hold the cups and stand
together in good order and with reverence: first the one who holds the water, second the
one who holds the milk, and third the one who holds the wine. 34They who partake shall
taste of each three times. And he who gives shall say,
"In God the Father Almighty."
The one who receives shall respond,
35The one giving shall say,
"And in the Lord Jesus Christ."
The one who receives shall respond,
36The one giving shall say,
"And in the Holy Spirit, and in the Holy Church."
And the one who receives shall respond,

37It shall be done so for each.
38When these things are done, they shall be zealous to do good works, and to please God, living honorably, devoting themselves to the church, doing the things which they were
taught, and advancing in piety.
39We have delivered these things to you only briefly concerning baptism and the oblation because you have already been instructed concerning the resurrection of the flesh and the
rest according to what is written. 40If there is anything else which needs to be told, the bishop shall tell it privatelyd to those who receive baptism. None but the faithful may know, and
even them only after receiving baptism. This is the white stone about which John said, "A new name is written on it, which no one knows except the one who received the stone."
a Other ancient authorities read servants.
b That is, making the sign of the cross.
c That is, wine mixed with water.
d Lit., in quiet

22 On the first day of the week the bishop, if possible, shall deliver the oblation to all the people with his own hand, while the deacons break the bread. 2When the deacon brings it to the elder, the deacon shall present his platter, and the elder shall take it himself and distribute it to the people by his own hand. 3Other days they will receive the oblation according to the command of the bishop.

23 Widows and virgins will fast often and pray for the Church. The elders will fast when they want to, as is the same for the laypeople. 2The bishop may not fast except when all the people fast. 3For often someone will bring an offering, and it cannot be rejected. For whenever the bishop breaks the bread, he must partake of it, and eat it with all who are there.

24 The deacon shall be diligent in giving the oblation to the sick, if there is no elder.  2When he has been given as much as is necessary, receiving according to how much needs to be given out, he shall give thanks, and they shall eat there.

25 When the evening has arrived, with the bishop present the deacon shall bring in a
lamp. 2The bishop, standing in the midst of all the faithful present, shall give thanks. But he
shall first greet all by saying,
"The Lord be with you."
3And all the people shall respond,
"And with your spirit."
4Then the bishop shall say,
"Let us give thanks to the Lord."
5And the people shall respond,
"It is proper and just.
Greatness and exaltation and glory are due to him." 
6But he shall not say,
"Lift up your hearts,"
because that is said for the oblation.
7And he shall pray thus, saying,
"We give thanks to you, O God,
through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
because you have enlightened us by revealing the incorruptible light.
8Therefore, having finished the length of a day,
and arriving at the beginning of the night,
and having been satisfied with the light of the day
which you created for our satisfaction,
and since we now do not lack a light for the evening through your grace,
we sanctify you and glorify you,
9through your only Son our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom to you with him be glory and might and honor
with the Holy Spirit,
now and always, and throughout the ages of the ages.

10Then all shall say,
11After the meal they shall get up and pray, and the children shall sing songs, along with
the virgins.
12Afterwards, the deacon holding the mixed cup of the oblation shall say a psalm from
among those in which is written Alleluia13Then, if the elder orders it, more from the same
psalms. After this, the bishop shall offer the cup, saying one of those psalms appropriate to
the cup, all of which should include Alleluia14When the psalms are recited, all shall say,
"Alleluia," which means, "We praise he who is God. Glory and praise to him who created
all the world by word alone!" 15When the psalm is completed, he shall bless the cup and
give of the pieces of bread to all the faithful ones.

26 When they dine, the faithful present shall take from the hand of the bishop a small piece of bread before taking their own bread, because it is blessed. Yet it is not the eucharist, like the body of the Lord. 2Before they all drink, they shall take their cups and give thanks for them. Thus they will eat and drink in purity. 3However, give the catechumens exorcised bread and cups.

27 The catechumen may not take part ina the Lord's Supper. 2At every meal, those who eat shall remember him who invited them, because he requested that they might come under his roof.
a Lit. recline at

28 Eat and drink in moderation. Do not drink to drunkenness, so that no one will mock you and so that he who invited you will not be grieved by your disorderly conduct.
It is better that he continue to pray to be made worthy so that the saints may come to him.
For indeed, as he said, "You are the salt of the earth." 2If you are all assembled and are offered a dinner gifta, accept it.
3When you eat, eat sufficiently and not to excess, so that the host may have some left that he can then send to someone as leftovers of the saints, so that the one to whom it is sent
may rejoice.
4Let the guests eat in silence, without arguing, saying only what the bishop allows. If someone asks a question, it shall be answered. When the bishop answers, all shall remain
silent, praising him modestly, until someone else asks a question.
5And if, in the absence of the bishop, the faithful attend the meal in the presence of an elder or a deacon, they shall eat in the same way, honorably. Everyone shall be careful to receive
the blessed bread and from the hand of the elder or deacon. Similarly, the catechumen will still receive exorcised.
6If laypeople only are gathered, they shall behave modestly, for a layperson cannot make the blessed bread.
a Gk apophorêton

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