
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday Meditation Matt 6: 1-6, 16-21

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This Ash Wednesday text is often misunderstood.  When Jesus told his audience not to do their alms in public, he was not saying that public prayers should not be offered, or that acts of mercy or charity should be ignored.  Jesus was instead reminding us that the inner motivation of heart was more important than the outward actions.  This doesn't mean that our faith should be private. Our faith takes place in both private and public settings, part of our corporate worship is gathering and reciting public corporate prayers.  However, these should not be opportunities to impress others, nor should we forget that while we do not live perfect lives, in fact, we are far from perfect, we should beware of the kind of religious life that acts one way in public but quite another in private.  How we treat people matters, and we cannot have the kind of devotion that is insensitive to people during our week but them ignores our actions on Sunday.  Lent is a time of self examination, it is a time for us to turn in repentance once again and focus on the life giving sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  Let me invite you this lent to make a commitment to engage spiritual disciplines in your life as we walk together with Christ into this special season of the Christian year.