
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Catholics and Orthodox Sign Agreement

Roman Catholic theologians and Orthodox theologians have signed a historic agreement on synodality and primacy.  The document "Synodality and Primacy in the First Millennium" is an important step in relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians.  The plenary sessions were held in Italy from Sept 15-22.  The schism goes back thousands of years to the year 1054, in a breach between the Christian East and West.  Some Orthodox remain staunchly opposed to dialogue with Rome, while others realize there is still a long road before any kind of unity can be achieved, but see this as an important step.  The Ravenna document in 2007 was a prior document that addresses the unity and authority of the church.  While full communion is still a long way off, these important steps can help Christians work towards reconciliation and communion, and not just for Catholic and Orthodox but for all Christians world wide.

Angelus News

Vatican Radio

Catholic Herald

Ravenna Document: Ecclesial Communion, Conciliarity and Authority

Catholic Conference of Bishop on Ravenna

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