
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Immigration Debate Heats Up Again

The recent migration of thousands in the 'caravan' has once again lit up the immigration debate ahead of the US elections.  In the midst of the heated rhetoric, I want to post some thoughts for consideration and a clarification on my personal position. 

I do not support "open borders".  Undocumented person's crossing illegally put themselves in mortal peril, many have died in the desert with no food and water.  They are taken advantage of by smugglers.  Cartels run illegal drugs from the borders.   While I do not support porous borders,  I do support an increase in legal immigration. At a time when we are seeing a great need for assistance for refugees and asylum seekers (wars in Middle East, unrest in Central America, droughts in many parts of the world) the Trump administration is slashing refugee resettlement.  Persecution of religious minorities is at an all high as more countries become authoritarian and violate human rights. There is a greater need now for refugee resettlement than ever before. 

Yet, the Trump administration has said the country will admit 30,000 refugees in 2019. Close to 70,000 were admitted in 2015. From 1990-95 the US admitted 112,000 refugees. Why is Donald Trump cutting down on refugee settlements if the issue is 'illegal' immigration. Why has the Trump administration called on an end to "chain migration" another legal immigration avenue. There is nothing illegal about either our refugee resettlement program or family based migration. Both have had positive impacts on our economy and diversity over the years.  Immigration is a long standing tradition in our country.  

Finally, why has the president called for an end to the 14th amendment, birth-rite citizenship, a 150 year tradition that has assisted assimilation of immigrants in our country?  Even as a suggestion, this should alarm any freedom loving tyrant hating patriot.  If the President can with the swipe of a pen undue an amendment to the constitution (which he cannot) what is to prevent a future president from doing so.  Would any amendment be safe?   I do not support porous open borders, I do support increasing legal immigration, processing asylum claims in a humane manner, and most importantly upholding our constitution and the rule of law. Over turning the 14th amendment will undue one of our countries finest legacies.  

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