
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Book Recommendation: "Blood Brothers" by Elias Chacour

In my reading experience, "Blood Brothers" stands out in its exceptionality on multiple levels.  A gripping personal account of a Palestinian Christian's journey stemming from the birth of the modern state of Israel.  The author, Elias Chacour tells the harrowing story of how that decision would impact his family, church, village and community.  He recounts his journey into Christian ministry, his reflection on the Beatitudes and the significant challenges facing Muslims, Christians, and Jews living in the Holy Land today.

As I have been preparing a series of sermon's on the Beatitudes, I have struggled with their meaning. This teaching of Jesus is clearly an attitude that we as Christians are called to adopt. Yet in honesty, how can we really live like this?  Is it really possible to exhibit the qualities of the Sermon on the Mount?  Elias Chacour faced this very question.  This gripping first hand account of Elias to come to terms with the application of the Beatitudes to a real life crisis and tragedy is a must read for all Christians.  Furthermore, it recounts an important and often neglected perspective in the current Middle Eastern crisis facing our world.  This book is significant for the geo-political considerations alone, but at its root, it provides so much more!  At its core it explores what it means for us to live according to the Beatitudes.  It also holds out the hope that religions of the world like Christianity, Islam and Judaism can all coexist peacefully, in fact, it is essential that people of faith learn to live with each other. 

This book is available from Amazon or other on-line and retail book sellers.

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