
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Action Alert from the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness

The House of Representatives is scheduled to consider a Congressional Review Act on H.J. Res 165 today. H.J.Res.165 and the Senate’s equivalent S.J.Res. 96, seeks to overturn the U.S. Department of Education’s recently published rule clarifying and strengthening Title IX’s protections against sex discrimination in federally funded schools.

This rule is crucial for ensuring that every student has the right to a safe and welcoming learning environment, free from sex discrimination. The new Title IX rule reverses former Secretary Betsy DeVos’ harmful 2020 Title IX rule, restoring justice for student survivors of sexual harassment and assault by ensuring they are not denied educational opportunities. 

The rule also provides greater clarity on the rights of pregnant and parenting students, helping them to stay in school and achieve their academic goals.

The rule also clarifies that Title IX protects against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics. With 83% of LGBTQI+ youth reporting in-school victimization, these updates are essential for fostering safer school environments.

Congress must reject the false narrative that equal educational opportunity for transgender and nonbinary students undermines protections for cisgender girls and women. Transgender women and girls deserve the full protection of federal civil rights law, and school policies that target transgender women and girls harm all women and girls by encouraging gender policing and threatening them with unwarranted, invasive, and harassing scrutiny of their bodies.

Every student deserves an education free from discrimination and harassment. As Presbyterians, we recognize that limiting Civil Rights for one category of people opens the door to do harm to all people reliant on Title IX’s protection against discrimination in federally funded schools.

“What does the Lord require of you? To do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.” (Michia 6:8)

The prophet reminds people of faith that following God is an active stance of promoting justice, loving kindness, and working compassionately so that all may thrive. Historically, Title IX has promoted justice within the United States Public Education System for students of color and with disabilities who historically have faced discrimination in varying ways. The expanded Title IX protections passed in April 2024 include victims of sexual harassment and violence, LGBTQIA individuals, pregnant students, and expanded inclusion of persons with disabilities. It is vital to recognize that the Civil Rights provided in Title IX do not only extend to students enrolled in public education, but anyone who is a part of the educational community, including parents, volunteers, and schoolyard neighbors. 

Tell Congress Today that Civil Rights are a must for the US Education System and the Title IX expansion rule must remain to ensure that all students in protected categories remain safe at school and have access to equal education. 

To see the original news article click on the link below: 

Office of Public Witness PC(USA)

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