
Friday, December 18, 2015

Advent Oratorio by N.T. Wright and Paul Spicer

N.T.Wright has written an Advent Oratorio put to music by Paul Spicer.  Paul Spicer is the conductor of the Birmingham Bach Choir in St. Paul's Church which produces beautiful sacred choral music.  The Oratorio is a beautiful tribute to Advent, Wright has previously written an Oratorio to Easter as well.  It is worth reading the full text which I have included in the link below.  There are several frequently quoted stanzas, one that comes up time and again is #5 Prophets and Chorus.  "Come, Lord and cleanse us from our sin, your new, glad work in us begin, remove our idols from our sight; let us in you alone delight.  Implant your Spirit in our heart, that with your Breath, new life may start, take from our flesh the heart of stone, let us rejoice in you alone. For your own sake you love display that we may worship and obey, rebuild the wild and desert place; let us acclaim your sovereign grace."  Those words are indicative of the spirit of this oratorio.  However, I have chose this section from section #13 below to highlight which longs for the coming Kingdom of God.  The Easter Oratorio is currently unavailable at on-line Amazon, nor have I been successful at finding the CD of the Advent Oratorio, and I for one, would love to hear the music set to these amazing words.  For now, I am grateful that the words are available.  I recommend reading these as a spiritual exercise during this Advent season.  

Thy kingdom come! On bended knee 
The passing ages pray;
And faithful souls have yearned to see 
On earth that kingdom's day.

But the slow watches of the night 

Not less to God belong;
And for the everlasting right
The silent stars are strong.

And lo! Already on the hills
The flags of dawn appear;
Gird up your loins, 

ye prophet souls, 
Proclaim the day is near.

The day in whose clear, shining light
All wrong shall stand revealed;
When justice shall be throned with might 

And every hurt be healed.

When knowledge, hand in hand with peace 

Shall walk the earth abroad;
The day of perfect righteousness
The promised day of God 

Paul Spicer Advent Oratorio Site

Advent Oratorio by NT Wright

N T Wright Easter Oratorio

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