Joel Whitehead artist
click on this link to listen to sermon "Jesus and Zacchaeus"
Most Christians are very familiar with the encounter of Jesus with Zacchaeus, it is often told as a children's story because it is rich in drama. Zacchaeus is short, he can't see Jesus who has come into Jericho in a crowd, Jesus approaches the tree in which Zacchaeus has climbed to get a better view, as Jesus moves underneath the tree he looks up and speaks to the least popular citizen of the city. This passage has often been used as a classic conversion story based on what Zacchaeus tells Jesus, but in this sermon we look at the tense of the words spoken by Zacchaeus and ask whether we have missed the point. What is clear, is that once again, Jesus challenges his audience to question the preconceived notions that we have of other people.
This text is not based on the lectionary for this Sunday but was preached on the occasion of a VBS (vacation Bible school) Sunday.