
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Let Us All Speak Our Minds or Die For It


Let Us All Speak Our Minds

Men tell us 'tis fit that wives should submit

to their husbands submissively, weakly;

Tho' whatever they say, their wives should obey

Unquestioning, stupidly, meekly.

Our Husbands would make us their own dictum take

Without ever a wherefore or why for it. 

But I don't and I can't and I won't and I shan't

No I will speak my mind if I die for it.

For we know it's all fudge to say man's the best judge

Of what should be and shouldn't, and so on.

That woman should bow, nor attempt to say how

She considers that matters should go on.

I never yet gave up myself thus a slave,

However my husband might try for it;

For I can't and I won't, and I shan't and I don't

But I will speak my mind if I die for it. 

And all ladies I hope who've with husbands to cope,

With the rights of the sex will not trifle.

We all, if we choose, our tongues but to use,

Can all opposition soon stifle;

Let man, if he will, then bid us be still

And silent, a price he'll pay high for it. 

For we won't and we can't and we don't and we shan't,

Let us all speak our minds if we die for it.

Elizabeth Knight

Listen to Let us All Speak Our Minds at the Smithsonian

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