
Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Inclusive Church and the Good News of Jesus' Proclamation

 In this video I argue that a Christian church and a Christian pastor can be faithful Christians and authorize or perform same sex weddings, and include LGBTQ+ Christians in membership with out discrimination.  Furthermore this is the Biblical position of scriptures.  While many Christians today are probably fairly familiar as to why many churches reject this position, it is much less known why this is really a Biblical position and stands in the best tradition of both Jesus, and the early Church.  Looking at both the inclusiveness of Jesus' ministry and both the teaching of Paul and Peter in Acts 10 and 15, I present the rationale for welcoming LGBTQ+ Christians into the church without discrimination just as the early Christians debated the inclusion of gentiles into their faith circles.  Around the world, Q+ Christians have already been ministering, leading, working, teaching, officiating over worship, and shepherding the church, and its time that everyone in the church recognize their gifts, leadership, and contribution to the church.  If you are a pastor and have not considered being an affirming pastor, a congregation that hasn't made a commitment to full inclusion, let me encourage you to prayerfully consider making that decision today.