
Monday, July 8, 2024

The 226th General Assembly of the PC(USA)


The 226th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA has concluded.  It was a meeting of worship, service, friendship, and church business.  Scores of important issues were taken up by the Assembly.  The church of Jesus Christ is a connectional church.  In Acts 15, the Council of Jerusalem convened in order to address a number of growing controversies.  As there was much debate, there were at least two sides represented.  Both clearly believed they were correct, but eventually, a decision has to be made in favor of one or the other.  Among the issues decided at the Jerusalem Council was the whether the requirement of circumcision should be mandated of non-Jewish people joining the congregations.  In the end, it was decided that circumcision would not be required.  A letter was then communicated to the rest of the church.  

Acts 15:22-23, 28-29, Everyone agreed: apostles, leaders, all the people. They picked Judas (nicknamed Barsabbas) and Silas—they both carried considerable weight in the church—and sent them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas with this letter:From the apostles and leaders, your friends, to our friends in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia:"

28-29 It seemed to the Holy Spirit and to us that you should not be saddled with any crushing burden, but be responsible only for these bare necessities: Be careful not to get involved in activities connected with idols; avoid serving food offensive to Jewish Christians (blood, for instance); and stay away from immorality.

These guidelines are sufficient to keep relations congenial between us. And God be with you!

Acts 16:4-5 As they went on their way through the cities, they delivered to them for observance the decisions which had been reached by the apostles and elders who were at Jerusalem. [5] So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily.

Conversation and dialogue are necessary to discern the Spirit of God, and what are the decisions the church must take in order to reflect God's call in the world.  At this years General Assembly there were too many issues to mention, so I am just going to identify a few of the items.

  • Polity 1 Part 1 and 2.  The "Olympia Overture" adds "Sexual orientation" and "Gender Identity" as categories for which the church cannot discriminate against.  Part 2 requires examination questions of ordained elders to their commitment to the historic principles of church order and the principles of representation.  This now goes to the presbyteries for ratification. 
  • Jihyun Oh elected the first Korean American stated clerk
  • Two South Carolina pastors, elected as moderators, CeCe Armstrong and Tony Larson. 
  • Hurricane Beryl reaches category 5 strength while the assembly debated fossil fuel divestments
  • Reimagining of Hispanic and Latinx ministries in the church. 
  • Development of Christian formation resources for small congregations.
  • Committee to review preparation for ministry process
  • Supporting an amendment to abolish the exception clause to the 13th amendment. 
  • A call to action to prevent gun deaths among children. 
  • A report on the progress in the "1001 new worshipping communities" to establish new church developments. 
  • Trans Day of Visibility added to the Presbyterian Planning Calendar to lift up our LGBGQ+ siblings. 
There is still much work to do.  I believe that one of the themes that emerged this year was the inclusivity of the church.  The church has always been called to be an inclusive body, where equality, inclusion, and diversity are defining elements of what makes the church of Jesus Christ the Church.  Yet these values are currently under attack by many in the United States and even by Christians themselves.  The requirement for the church to reorient itself as followers of Jesus, the same Jesus that broke down barriers between Gentile and Jew, Greek and Roman, slave and free, is the same Jesus that welcome gay and straight alike.  It is my prayer that the PC(USA) will continue to influence the church at large and our society, with a strong dedication to inclusion, diversity, and equality; all hallmarks of the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15.  

Other news items from the General Assembly below: 

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